Thursday, July 5, 2007

Proven Weight Loss Reviews

Proven Weight Loss Reviews

How I lost 25lbs fast!!!

About a year ago, I started to lose much so that people I knew noticed after the first few weeks. I heard comments like, "are you dieting?" or "you look like you have lost weight!" One person even asked me how did you lose so much weight?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I had no clue...why? Because I wasn't trying to lose any weight! So, I did what any other guy would do after hearing these comments...I weighed myself!

Wouldn't you know, I lost 25 lbs?! I had noticed that my clothes were fitting me nicely and I was up to 4 belt loop holes! I used to be 1 hole.

So, I said to my self, "Self, how did you do that?"

Actually, what I did was think about how I changed my habits over the past few months and came up with these tips that I want to share with you!

  1. I stopped eating late! I used to eat dinner around 8pm or so and stay up watching TV until midnight. This always led to a late night snack of some sort! more eating late. I set a time of no more eating after 8pm.
  2. Cut out sodas, and juices. I started drinking cold water and more milk. I would treat myself to sugar free juices when I craved juice. I also limited my orange juice intake to mornings only.
  3. Exercise. I started doing cardio workouts for 20-30 mins each day. Enough to get me breathing hard, but that was all. For example walking and riding my bike.
  4. Sleep!!! I started to go to bed by 10pm. Completely stopped staying up late! I wake up at 6am. That is 8 hours of sleep a night. I felt rested and refreshed each day.
  5. Ate Breakfast each day. I noticed that by eating breakfast each day I wasn't famished by the time I had lunch and dinner. This cut down on the amount of calories I was taking in!
Well, that is basically all I did and I have kept the weight off for 8 months now! I encourage you to try and change your lifestyle some and see what happens! What have you got to lose....weight?!?!

Proven Weight Loss Reviews

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