Sunday, July 22, 2007
Free weight loss tip
You have to get into the right mind set if you are going to lose weight.
What is the right mind set?
A positive attitude about losing weight. This is probably one of the toughest aspects of losing weight. How do you stay positive when if feels like every where around you lurks temptation? You have to think positively and add postive factors and motivations in your life. Post a note on the fridge with your goals on it. Hang some favorite clothes you want to fit into on the wall of your bedroom as motivation. Talk to your family and friends about how serious you are about losing weight and ask them to help keep you motivated by reminding you about your goal.
The bottom line is that losing weight is more than just setting a is about getting in the right mind set.
Friday, July 13, 2007
New Diet Program Review
I wanted to share with you a website I found while researching our favorite topic "Weight Loss!".
I came across today and really enjoyed its website content. They have been in operation since 1996 and are considered one of the best weightloss/dieting sights on the web!
They offer plenty of programs and information regarding changing your lifestyle in order to lose weight and keep it off.
Some of the topics that I noticed on the site were:
- Dieting plans (No restriction plans, reduced carb plans, vegan plans and heart healthy mediterranean plans
- Fitness Plans (Keep track of your excercise progam-great for keeping you motivated and seeing results)
- an Online Community (great for support/motivation/staying focused--blogs, forums etc)
These were just some of the main topics that the website focuses on. The site itself is very easy to navigate with plenty of links and great color selections that are easy on the eyes and help provide you a sense of well being and comfort.
Lastly, the site has at its disposal several experts in the fields of nutrition, fitness, well being, and motivation.
Feel free to check it out for yourself. I have provided a link below that will take direct to the site.
HIGHLY RECOMMEND--when you get to the site, off to the right is a Free Diet Profile link. Great Link..check it out. You can enter in some information about yourself and it will provide for you some great feedback to get you started on losing weight!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Burn the Fat!
One key action that helps to "Burn the Fat" is your metabolism. Metabolism is a chemical process in our bodies that helps us to lose or gain weight. (For a more in depth explanation about metabolism please visit this site) When we are excercising our metabolism is working hard to convert food into energy so that we can keep excercising. This also involves something called calories. Calories is a unit of measure related to food.
Food has calories (energy). When our body works hard, we metabolize or use those calories. When we aren't working as hard ie sleeping or sitting, our body is still "burning" calories just not as much when we are active.
If we "burn" less calories than we take in, then we gain weight. So, the key is to burn more calories all the time. Here are 3 ways in which you can "burn more calories"
- Exercising is by far the best way to increase that "fat burning furnace" Exercises for Beginners
- Eating small frequent meals as opposed to less larger ones (more to come about that)
- Taking supplements that help to stoke your internal furnace
So...get out there and "jack up that metabolism! and start burning the fat!"
....Just in...A REVIEW OF AVATRIM...
Ok gang, I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, Kasey about this product she has been taking...Avatrim. Now I personally haven't take it, but she swears by it. All I can say is check out the website and see for yourself. I have reviewed it and there is PLENTY of information for you to make an informed decision.
What I liked about the site...
- Lists the Ingredients...IE. GREEN TEA! YEAH!
- Clinical Studies...for you micro researchers out there!
- Testimonials! Oh yeah....what are other people saying?
- FAQ's
PLUS...if you order today (or the day you view the site) you can get 3 Free Bonuses to help you get started and 2 Extra Bottles FREE!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Latest Tips on Your Diet
Latests Tips On Your Diet
Hey guys and gals! I have been researching various weightloss studies, reviews and so forth and have come across some valuable tips to add to your weightloss goals!!!
Tip 1: Eat fresh fruit or canned fruit packed in its own juices! Guess what? Dried fruit and canned fruit can have up to twice as many calories from sugar. WOW!
Tip 2: Control your portion size! Have you noticed how MUCH food we American's eat at one sitting? Try to limit your portion sizes...when you go out to eat, if you order a big meal either share it with your date/loved one/friend or have the server bag up half and serve you the remainder.
Guess what, you now have tomorrow's lunch!
Tip 3: Stay away from excess juices! It is good to drink that daily OJ or Cranberry juice in the morning, but try to stick to water the rest of the day. Although fruit juices contain nutrients, they also contain lots of sugar so beware!
New Cool TIP! Vitamin C helps you to burn more fat during excercise. I repeat, DURING EXCERCISE...recommeded dosage around 500 milligrams per day. For more info on this....
Carol Johnston, PhD at ASU.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Proven Weight Loss Reviews
How I lost 25lbs fast!!!
About a year ago, I started to lose much so that people I knew noticed after the first few weeks. I heard comments like, "are you dieting?" or "you look like you have lost weight!" One person even asked me how did you lose so much weight?
Well, to be perfectly honest, I had no clue...why? Because I wasn't trying to lose any weight! So, I did what any other guy would do after hearing these comments...I weighed myself!
Wouldn't you know, I lost 25 lbs?! I had noticed that my clothes were fitting me nicely and I was up to 4 belt loop holes! I used to be 1 hole.
So, I said to my self, "Self, how did you do that?"
Actually, what I did was think about how I changed my habits over the past few months and came up with these tips that I want to share with you!
- I stopped eating late! I used to eat dinner around 8pm or so and stay up watching TV until midnight. This always led to a late night snack of some sort! more eating late. I set a time of no more eating after 8pm.
- Cut out sodas, and juices. I started drinking cold water and more milk. I would treat myself to sugar free juices when I craved juice. I also limited my orange juice intake to mornings only.
- Exercise. I started doing cardio workouts for 20-30 mins each day. Enough to get me breathing hard, but that was all. For example walking and riding my bike.
- Sleep!!! I started to go to bed by 10pm. Completely stopped staying up late! I wake up at 6am. That is 8 hours of sleep a night. I felt rested and refreshed each day.
- Ate Breakfast each day. I noticed that by eating breakfast each day I wasn't famished by the time I had lunch and dinner. This cut down on the amount of calories I was taking in!
Proven Weight Loss Reviews